1. What training do counsellors have?

Counsellors have to spend a minimum of 2 years training which meets standards set by regulating bodies. They must also have their work supervised by a supervisor registered with the regulating body. You can ask your counsellor what training they have and whether they are accredited with the BACP or UKCP (for UK therapists).

2. Does the supervisor sit in the room?

No. The supervisor doesn’t sit in the room or know who you are. The counselling session is confidential. The counsellor meets with the supervisor to talk about the work she/he is doing. You should check that your counsellor is in regular supervision.

3. What if I have already tried counselling and didn’t like it?

You might want to think about what it was that you didn’t like. If it was the counsellor, that is okay. Sometimes you may have to meet a few people before you find a counsellor you feel comfortable enough to talk about what is bothering you. It could also be the type of counselling that you had. You may want to try a different type.

4. Are there different types of counselling?

Yes there are several types of counselling ranging from ones that are directed by the counsellor to ones that are directed by you. Some counselling involves doing things such as drama and painting. There are also different types of counsellors and this means trying to find a balance between the person and the approach that they offer.

5. What is the difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy?

In practice there is little difference. Some people refer to counselling as support around a specific issue and psychotherapy as support that is ongoing. Other people make the distinction in relation to the theoretical background that the support is based, counselling evolving from the client-centred approach and psychotherapy evolving from psychoanalysis.

6. Can I try counselling before agreeing to go every week?

Yes. Most counsellors will also want to meet you first before offering you a set number of sessions, this is often called an assessment session. This is an opportunity for you to ask the counsellor any questions you have and the counsellor will ask you some questions. You will also be able to say why you want counselling. You should not feel that you are being interviewed; you need to decide if you feel that the counsellor is the person that can give you the support and understanding you are looking for. The counsellor will also decide if she/he is able to offer you the support you are looking for. If you agree to work together it is usual to agree a set number of sessions at this point.

7. What is confidentiality?

Anything that you talk about in the counselling session will not be passed on to other people and the counsellor is professionally obliged not to disclose information that you give her/him. There are a few exceptions. If your counsellor believes that you intend to harm yourself or another person she\he has an obligation to let someone know, though this would usually be discussed with you first. You do not have to adhere to the same confidentiality. The counselling session belongs to you and you can discuss it and how it went with whomever you want.

8. Will counselling make me feel better?

Counselling will probably make you feel a lot of things. At times you may feel worse than you did before you went for counselling. This may happen because you bring something that you put in the back of your mind into the present again. With the help of your counsellor you will be able to look at that issue pull it apart and become at ease with it. You may then feel better.

9. What happens if I miss a session?

If you miss a session, you miss out on that time for yourself. If you are unable to attend a session give the counsellor 24 hour notice or else you may have to pay for the session.  If you decide not to go to counselling on one particular week because you are frightened or because you got upset in the previous session it would be helpful to let your counsellor know this. Missing sessions is something that is usually discussed when you first meet a counsellor.

10. What happens when I want to stop going to counselling?

Some counselling is for a set period of time such as six or twelve weeks, sometimes this can be extended for another six or twelve weeks. It is also possible to agree upon a different number of sessions. In these cases there will be a planned ending. Sometimes counselling can be open ended where you go every week without a definite finishing date. If you know in advance that you want to stop having counselling you should let the counsellor know so that you both can bring the counselling relationship to a close and you can consider what if any support you will need once you stop having counselling. All counselling relationships end at some point so you should not feel guilty saying that you want to end. Often people stop counselling for periods and return at a later stage if they need this type of support again.

11. How long does counselling take?

Change does not happen quickly for most of us.  The time counselling will take depends on a number of variables, such as, the severity of the problem, the type of the problem, the motivation of the client and the age of the client.  The more focused and limited the problem being addressed, the shorter the treatment can be.  The pace of the work is often directed by the individual.

Sessions are usually held weekly and last for 60 minutes.  We are happy to work within a short time frame or longer term according to what your needs may be and would discuss and agree this with you at the beginning of the work.   We would recommend that after every 6 sessions that the client and the counsellor review how beneficial the counselling is for the client.

Each 60 minute session for individual counselling costs 40 leva

Each 90 minute session for Couple counselling costs 60 leva

We offer a sliding scale.

12. How can you determine if coaching is right for you?

To determine if you could benefit from coaching, start by summarizing what you would expect to accomplish in coaching. When someone has a fairly clear idea of the desired outcome, a coaching partnership can be a useful tool for developing a strategy for how to achieve that outcome with greater ease.

Since coaching is a partnership, also ask yourself if you find it valuable to collaborate, to have another viewpoint and to be asked to consider new perspectives. Also, ask yourself if you are ready to devote the time and the energy to making real changes in your work or life. If the answer to these questions is yes, then coaching may be a beneficial way for you to grow and develop.

13. How does Coaching work?

We have an initial assessment session together and, once your coach has heard the issues you would like help with, they will design a programme tailored specifically to your needs. This approach applies to groups and companies too.  It can be such a help to have someone to talk to who can also be a mentor and guide in helping you make good and healthy decisions for your life.   An objective look at your situation, options and possibilities can make the world of difference and enable you to enhance your own potential.